Fishing in the Moselle - enjoy your best catch

Patience, peace and a little luck are important factors when fishing in the Moselle.

Pike, perch, carp, common roach, trout and eel form the majority of the fish population here.

You can obtain a day or week-long fishing permit from the tourist information office in Alken for the Moselle section between the Lehmen and Müden barrages.


Want to go fishing?

You'll need to obtain a fishing permit. German residents can obtain this by providing the necessary documentation with their local municipality. International visitors on holiday do not need to provide documentation and can obtain a fishing permit from the Rhine-Moselle collective municipality upon provision of a passport photo and ID. The fishing permit allows you to fish in the designated area.


Permit option & price

Day permit        €6.00

Week permit    €16.50

-> You can obtain this from our tourist information office in Alken.

You can purchase feed and different bait from the kiosk in Brodenbach (Moselufer 17).

Fishing area between the barrages at Müden and Lehmen:
Fishing lessee Mr Toni Kröber, telephone: +49 (0) 2607 1832

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